Interested in a topic not listed? Contact the instructor, Karen Rucker, regarding the possibility of customizing a session to address your center's specific professional development needs or to address a specific age group. For additional information, click on the Contact tab or send an email to or call 717-314-8368.

All Age Groups

Understanding the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework (3 hrs - K3.11 C1/C2):  All families benefit from protective factors that can be supported in the early childhood setting.  Participants will be introduced to the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework which includes five research-based protective factors (resiliency, social connections, knowledge of parenting/child development, concrete support in times of need, and social/emotional competence of children).  We will also identify strategies that help families build protective factors and explore the Strengthening Families Protective Factors self-assessment and goal-setting tool.  

Beneath the Iceberg: ACES and the Effect of Family Stressors on Children (2 hrs / C1 - Standard Area 2 and STARS SQ.3.4.4):  Children's experiences influence their development.  The ACES study brings to light the potential long-range impact of stress on children into adulthood. Join us as we explore the myriad of stressors faced by today's families, the possible effects, and how practitioners can help buffer the impact to better serve the children in their care.

Karen Rucker, M.S.
ECE Master Trainer


Standard Area 2: 

Family-Teacher Partnerships and Community Connections

Early Childhood Professional Development